A Guess tem novidades!

Para conhecer a nova colecção de sapatos Primavera / Verão ’15 e ficar sempre a par das próximas promoções apenas faça scan do código QR com o seu telemóvel para fazer download do passe ou clique em: http://buff.ly/1Jvi0HN! 🙂



Campanha válida para Portugal e presente nas lojas indicadas no verso do passe.

Boas compras!

Paez & Passworks – A Visual Case Study

Over the last few months Passworks has been working with Paez, a worldwide shoes brand born in Argentina.

In January, Paez launched a campaign in Portugal which with new campaigns it will be updated with new information, alerting the customers who previously downloaded the pass. For portuguese readers, if you wish to have access to this pass and consequentially to the pass updates, just click here.

With this case study we share our experience together, with numbers and a visual flow of how Paez created their first mobile coupon:

Passworks - Paez Case Study

Adtile introduces FireMotion

Our good friends Adtile just launched an incredible mobile advertising product called FireMotion and we were so happy for them we couldn’t help ourselves to share their amazing news so we show you their Press Release about FireMotion. You can read it here.

On the 11th February, Adtile Technologies announced mobile advertising industry’s first multi-sensor mobile engagement platform, FireMotion. This new mobile ad platform works like a lightweight operating system bringing motion technology to mobile advertising. As part of FireMotion, Adtile Technologies partnered with Passworks and Two Tap, two leading companies in the mobile commerce space, to ensure a seamless purchasing and reward experience on smartphones.

FireMotion’s proprietary technology accurately tracks the phone’s positioning and velocity, which allows the phone to function as an extension of the person. FireMotion gives advertisers a new set of creative tools to use in mobile advertising campaigns.

“People find most mobile ads are ineffective or annoyingly disruptive. That is because most of those ads are designed for desktop and don’t take advantage of the incredible sensory hardware already in smartphones.”

“My goal at Adtile is to help brands create the kind of advertising that creates human connections. I want to change the quality of mobile advertising and deliver fully integrated approach.”

—Nils Forsblom, CEO and founder, Adtile Technologies

The response from ads using Adtile’s FireMotion has been very positive. The initial reports show over 30% engagement rate and an average of 23 seconds of participation time with over 6% click-through rate, which are some of the highest rates in the online and mobile advertising industry.

Although higher click-through rates are essential for mobile ads, Adtile Technologies wanted to remove any barriers to purchase by partnering with Passworks and Two Tap to create one of the simplest mobile engagement options available today. FireMotion ads can seamlessly connect to a universal shopping cart, Passbook, Google Wallet or Payments. A person who interacts with a FireMotion mobile ad can purchase the product in the ad instead of going to a different webpage, keeping the entire purchase and payment process extremely simple.

“The launch of Adtile’s new platform is a great compass for established advertisers who want to take full advantage of mobile capabilities, and Two Tap is very excited to power e-commerce interactions on the new platform.”

“FireMotion’s integrated approach will offer new and rich tools to build experiences that are vital to brands that want to stand out in the bland mobile banner ad-space.”

—Raz Roman, co-founder, Two Tap

Instead of spending a lot of time and money developing new sensor enabled mobile ads, FireMotion ad builds will be available through the password protected Adtile Motion Store. This online store will feature unique motion ad interactions that can be used by brands and agencies by simply incorporating design and storytelling into the flow. These result-proven ad builds incorporate very specific interface design and developer guidelines for quality and constraint purposes. All FireMotion ads must be approved by Adtile Technologies for quality assurance. Brands can also work directly with Adtile Technologies to create specific designed ads as well.

About Adtile Technologies

Located in San Diego, California, Adtile is a pioneer and developer of multi-sensor advertising technology for smartphones and tablets. We are working with leading technology companies and Fortune 500 brands. Adtile is on a quest to transform mobile advertising. We believe the best way to revolutionize mobile ads is to create an entirely new design that embraces the needs of mobile users by making it part of the user experience. We’ve created a mobile-first advertising solution from the ground up—challenging assumptions about how ads work and redesigning it for a world on the move.

More information is available at: www.adtile.me.

Passworks: a passport to be closer to the clients


Francisco não teve a ideia mas executou-a: foi convidado pela Faber Ventures para ser a cara da Passworks, start-up que quer aproximar as marcas dos clientes

Poder comunicar com os clientes de maneira personalizada, sempre que eles passam perto da sua loja, é possível sem sair da porta: avisá-los de promoções, dar-lhes um presente de aniversário, estar presente.
A Passworks, empresa pensada e criada por uma equipa ligada ao fundo de capital de risco Faber Ventures – que investiu no primeiro ano um milhão de dólares no negócio, com retorno esperado nos próximos três anos – trata de tudo. Através do Passbook, uma carteira móvel que guarda informação em smartphones, cria e atualiza cupões de descontos, promoções e outro tipo de informação, de maneira direcionada e personalizada. Depois de criado o conteúdo, basta que os seus clientes descarreguem a aplicação nos respetivos smartphones para terem acesso a todas as novidades: uma espécie de anúncio porta-a-porta. “Se estão a chegar ao ponto de venda, por que não dizer-lhes que aproveitem alguma oportunidade? Isso inclui estar no aeroporto e receber uma mensagem com uma promoção de uma loja no aeroporto“, explica Francisco Belo, CEO da empresa.

Published by dinheirovivo