Dupla Paez! Passes digitais para mobile wallets!

A Paez Portugal e a Paez Espanha estão com promoções de Natal!!

¡¡Paez Portugal y Paez España están com promociones de Navidad!!


Se estás em Portugal e queres aproveitar, faz download do passe para a tua mobile wallet!
Abre o link: https://passworks.io/p/4jwZxbfphg no teu telemóvel ou clica na imagem para fazer download do passe.strip Paez Portugal - Passworks

¡Si estás en España y quieres aprovechar, descarga el passe digital en tu smartphone!
Abre el link: https://passworks.io/p/4jwZxbfphg en tu móvil o en la imagen para lo descargar.

strip Paez Espanha - Passworks

Passworks & Echangeur, a brand new partnership

Passworks is proud to announce a new partnership, this time with Echangeur, a French technological and marketing center for customer relationship management.

L’Echangeur by BNP Paribas Personal Finance focuses on innovative technologies applied to commerce.

The article from the month of October explains the benefits of mobile wallets such as Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay versus a retail app.

The agency relates the example of Guess as well as the ease of use of creating mobile marketing campaigns in 5 steps.

For more information, please contact us @ hello@passworks.io.



Passworks continue d’accroître ses partenariats, cette fois-ci avec Echangeur, centre d’innovation technologique et marketing de BNP Paribas Personal Finance en France.

Echangeur offre à ses clients une gamme de solutions dédiées à la relation client en s’inspirant des meilleures pratiques de la distribution et des nouveaux usages consommateurs.

La lettre du mois d’ Octobre de l’ agence explique les avantages des portefeuilles électroniques Apple Wallet, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, versus une application de marque pour un consommateur. 

L’agence reprend notamment l’exemple de la marque Guess qui a utilisé la technologie pour communiquer sur le long terme avec ses clients.

Nous vous laissons profiter de l’article et si vous souhaitez nous contacter, écrivez-nous à hello@passworks.io

Chillibeans new collection – The Beatles

A Chillibeans Portugal tem uma nova coleção limitada: The Beatles!

 strip the beatles@2x

Faça download do passe no seu telemóvel para saber mais. 🙂

Offer Christmas gift cards in E-Card format this season

Based on several sources, Passworks understands the growing opportunity and demand for retailers and brands to offer Christmas gift cards in E-Cards format this season:


1. According to the Retail Gift Card Association 

Shoppers have targeted the cards to everyone on their lists, and both buying and card redemption are likely to occur across a variety of channels, ranging from the physical to the digital. Awareness of technology as an option, such as mobile wallets, is on the rise.”



2. Other sources such as the National Retail Federation consider that consumers use Mobile Wallets for convenience as they can store cards, coupons and gift cards. For Retailers the bet is completely different  when it comes to digital content:

Robert O. Carr, CEO and Chairman of Heartland Payment Systems considers that:

Mobile Wallets are for Retailers an great opportunity to focus on getting customers into the store, increasing average basket size when in the store and getting customers to come back with loyalty after they make the purchase.”

We hope you enjoyed the content. Have a great week! 🙂

Passworks had a makeover!

homepage passworks-01Passworks.io is re-making its website in order for become clearer for its customers!

Now it is possible to better understand what we do, how we do it, how the technology works and, more importantly, how you can benefit from us. Feel free to wonder around our Homepage, to know how this service better suits your business and, also, our “How It Works” page to get an overview on both consumer and brand experience.

We are continuously working on improving or services & communication so don’t hesitate to take a look and, if you need anything, contact us! We are happy to help! 🙂